Give a Helping Hand for Children

Children in poverty are the most at risk of malnutrition, sickness and exploitation. But they can experience the love of Jesus through your life-saving gift of food, medical care and protection. Help support children now.

Food Donate

In Masaka regions, we provide children with the food and medical care they desperately need.

Medical Care

Provide Medical Care for Children.Help sick or hurting children get the care they need

Child Education

Sponsor a Child & Give Hope to Children in Poverty

Our main goal is to help poor people


We’ve funded $54,867 in charity around Uganda.

The Second Chance Alliance Foundation, established in 2020 and officially registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau ( URSB ), operates as a Non-Profit charity Organization. Our fundamental belief is in affording everyone the opportunity for a second chance, recognizing that setbacks are a universal part of life. The onset of COVID-19 brought about widespread job losses, increased school dropouts, early childhood pregnancies, and a surge in poverty.



Recent Causes

Explore Our Causes

Everything we do has just one goal: the sustained well-being of children, especially the most vulnerable.

Pure Water

Bring Clean Water

Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene gives children and their families a chance to flourish. We believe every child deserves – and has the right – to use safe water and live in a clean environment.






Give Children's Education

Join our vision for children’s education.





Medical & Health

Fundraise For Health Care

We envision a world where all children are healthy and well-nourished. Good health and nutrition empower children, families, and communities, enabling them to thrive.





35K +

Volunteers Worldwide


Award Won


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Recent Events

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Healthy Food For Children Campaign

SECHAL FOUNDATION UGANDA believes a hunger-free world is possible. The right food at the right time saves lives, improves health and education, and empowers communities to become self-reliant.

1000+ Free Masks For Fundraiser Event

Nutritious Foods & Clean Water Distribution

SECHAL FOUNDATION UGANDA believes a hunger free world is possible. The right food at the right time saves lives, improves health and education, and empowers communities to become self-reliant.

Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene gives children and their families a chance to flourish. We believe every child deserves

Best Team

Meet Our Volunteers


William Wright

Become A Volunteer For Save People's Life

Volunteers like you are changing the world one child at a time by giving your time and talents. Whether you volunteer at a Christian concert, festival, or remotely, you have countless ways to make a difference! Choose your act today and help release children from poverty in Jesus’ name with the best Christian charity.

We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone


Our Supporters Voice

Mark Hughes


Allesio Dunn


Tyler Curtis


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